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Disciples are called and sent to be “on mission” for God as salt and light to a world in need of the gospel.​

Dunkirk Baptist Church participates in missions opportunities both locally and around the world through our Missions Development Team.  

Safe Nights

We share the love of Jesus to homeless people, offering them warm meals and shelter during the cold winter months.

Church Plants

Dunkirk Baptist Church participates in Church Plants including Graffiti Church in East Baltimore, MD, where they share the love of Jesus to a growing congregation.


Christians are called to serve others. We encourage all members to discover their spiritual gifts and utilize them in the ministries of DBC and their community.


At DBC we encourage everyone to share their personal faith and the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others.  We offer classes throughout the year to help you learn how to share your faith, help you better understand your faith, and encourage you on how to approach others on the topic.

Short Term Missions

We help connect individuals interested in short-term missions by providing information about opportunities and available scholarships.  We organize yearly shoe and coat drives.

Missions Offerings

DBC actively participates in financial support for Lottie Moon, Annie Armstrong, State Missions, Mission Dignity, and Disaster Relief.


We support missionaries through Christians in Alliance and World Venture, sharing the Gospel in Uganda and Ukraine.

Operation Christmas Child

DBC participates in the collection and distribution of shoeboxes for the Samaritan's Purse project Operation Christmas Child. These gift filled shoeboxes are distributed to children in need around the world, the love of Jesus Christ.



Discipling Believers to Learn, Live, and Give the Gospel of Jesus Christ


11275 So. Maryland Blvd.

Dunkirk, MD 20754​



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