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As Disciples we begin our journey by hearing, receiving, and knowing the Word of God. At Dunkirk Baptist Church we provide opportunities that nurture spiritual growth such as engaging Bible studies, Sunday School classes, Awana clubs and more.

Sunday School

Sunday School is the primary means we use to grow disciples in knowing and understanding God’s Word.  We encourage everyone to join a Sunday School class.  We offer classes every Sunday morning at 9 AM for all age groups.  



Bible Studies, Conferences and Retreats

Throughout the year, we consistently offer a variety of Bible Study classes as well as conferences, retreats, and seminars that enable individuals to apply biblical principles to specific areas of their lives. 

Wednesday's Together

Come, be a part of our community!  Adults, middle schoolers and high schoolers bring your dinner and eat with us as we fellowship together, followed by prayer time,

Bible Study classes

and Youth Group.



Children's Church

Children's Church is a safe, fun, and engaging way to learn about God for kids in grades K-5th grade.  

Children's Church takes place during the Worship Service on Sundays at 10:30 AM in the Connect Center​.  After the Worship Service parents pick up their children in the Connect Center.



Our Awana Clubs provide a positive atmosphere full of energy and fun for children to learn more about God’s Word. Through various activities your child will have a chance to know, love, and serve God. Awana clubs are on Sunday evenings at 5 PM.


Youth L.I.F.E.

 Youth L.I.F.E. offers teens support and encouragement as they learn and grow in their faith alongside their peers.  Middle School and High School students are invited to join us in the Connect Center for a mid-week Bible Study with games, activities, and biblical teaching.



Discipling Believers to Learn, Live, and Give the Gospel of Jesus Christ


11275 So. Maryland Blvd.

Dunkirk, MD 20754​



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