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Man with Book

Adult Sunday School 

As  we study God's Word we will learn and connect as we apply the bible's message to our lives, build on the foundations of our faith, and grow in relationship with God and each-other.

Current Classes

Biblical Doctrine

 Jesus taught, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  This is the first and greatest commandment.”  Jesus went on to say, “And a second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’” (Matthew 22:37-38). What do these commandments mean in everyday life today?  What effect will loving like Jesus have on our beliefs, values, actions, and relationships?  What changes may we need to make in our discipleship? Join us in our Bible Doctrine class as we make every effort to live in ways that express what it means to walk with and by the living Word of God.

Foundations of Faith

Grasping the foundational beliefs of Christianity is an important and life-giving part of following Jesus, and Foundations of Faith will serve as a helpful first step in persevering in your lifelong journey of faith.

Women Explore the Bible

To know God’s Truth is to know that it is true and that every book matters. Explore the Bible is designed to illuminate the historical, cultural, and biblical context of Scripture. Book by book, we help women understand and apply God’s Word in a manner that is sustainable, thorough, and age-appropriate.

Bible Studies for Life

Discipleship is the lifestyle of walking with God. Bible Studies for Life provides followers of Jesus with a pathway to walk on as they become more like Jesus and advance His kingdom.



Discipling Believers to Learn, Live, and Give the Gospel of Jesus Christ


11275 So. Maryland Blvd.

Dunkirk, MD 20754

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